Reece and Frankie show off the brand new FLG Mat: Industrial 2, and take a look at what Space Wolves got in Psychic Awakening!
Category: Age of Sigmar
New FLG Mat: Industrial 2: 20% Off!
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat for you: Industrial 2 and it is fantastic! Also, during the release period, it is 20% off! The release period runs through the 22nd of April, 2020.
Lumineth Realm-lords: Exploring Hysh
G-dubs brings us some more backstory to the amazing looking new AoS faction: the Lumineth!
Heroes, Heretics and a Squirrel
Another exciting preview from GW!
GW Grognard:Home Alone
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about40K (sort of) in this trying time.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #18: Over and Under (Orruks Edition)
Launching a new series, we explore the most over-powered and under-powered units in each Battletome. This time, the Orruk Warclans.
Wide World of Wargaming Age of Sigmar: Episode 61 – +1 Save in Isolation
On this week’s program: In another zoom call episode we discuss the latest Seraphon Faq, the Adepticon preview pt. 1. check out the video on our YouTube Channel WideWorldGaming Jeremy also obsessed over what to do with Alex’s hair. As always you can check out all of our most recent and past episodes here and…
Signals from the Frontline #678: Awesome New Models on the Way!
Reece and Frankie bring you the latest news and happenings in the GW hobby!
Wide World of Wargaming Age of Sigmar: Episode 60 – Zooming Into the Future
On this week’s program: The Gang get used to the new normal and we try a zoom call recording! In this episode we discuss the best ways to start three different armies startling with 1k list builds to get going as a primer for each army! As always you can check out all of our…
The First-ever Warhammer Preview Online
Some amazing new stuff on the way from GW!