Our new paint team is firing on all cylinders and putting out some great work!
Category: 40K
40K 6th Ed Rules Summaries from the BoLS Lounge
Thanks to Krittoris for this!
Why Being a Single System Gamer is a Bad Habit.
A guest article by Sean Ireland.
Pictures from WargamesCon
Hey everyone, I didn’t get to snap as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are some of the armies I saw that really caught my eye. Enjoy!
Signals from the Frontline: WargamesCon Recap, 6th ed Teasers
Signals from the Frontline: WargamesCon Recap, 6th ed Teasers, Press Play to Listen to the Podcast!
6th ed Rumors and Confirmations (Updated)
These come to us from TheDirtyHippy over at the Game Empire Forums and Kroothawk’s summary from DakkaDakka
wargamescon update!
So, day one’s behind us, and it’s been great so far. Frankie got his butt kicked and made the team look like punks! Just kidding, he did get the beat down but we don’t look like punks! facepuncher and I both made it to the finals. I went 4-0 with footdar but didn’t win crushing…
6th ed 40K: More Rumors
These come from PaulWilson at Warseer and Tastey Taste from Bloodof Kittens.
Prepping for WargamesCon; an Exercise in Procrastination
A guest article by OverwatchCNC from www.captureandcontrol.com on his upcoming trip to Austin, TX for WargamsCon!
Coping Strategies for 6th Edition
A guest article from Skari about coping strategies for the edition change!