Prepare to face the relentless Tyranids, the galaxy’s voracious monsters that seek to consume all in their path. With the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, an unprecedented hive fleet threatens to engulf the galactic west, poised to carve a path straight into the heart of the Imperium. In this post, we explore the terrifying warfare…
Category: 40K
New Warhammer 40k Ciaphas Cain Novel Announced!
It has been 10 years since the last Cain novel was released and now we finally get a revival! Delve into the epic world of Warhammer 40,000 as we explore the complex characters of heroes and villains. Discover the intriguing persona of Ciaphas Cain and his enthralling tales, including the latest release, “Ciaphas Cain: Vainglorious.”…
Warhammer 40k 10th Ed Preview – Datasheets
Get ready for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 with the latest datasheets for every unit in the game. Learn how these invaluable gaming aids can enhance your strategy and provide a competitive edge on the battlefield. Find out where to get your hands on physical datasheets and free PDF downloads, as well as the…
Midweek Doldrums – 6/6/2023
Back to our general trivia!
Necromunda Free Mission – Escape from Zalktraa
Join Lady Credo and her outlaw gang as they embark on a daring prison break in the depths of Zalktraa. Discover the new downloadable scenario, “Escape from Zalktraa,” featuring exciting gameplay enhancements and the formidable Enforcer Sanctioner Automata Protocols. Download now and prepare to test your skills in the treacherous underworld of Necromunda.
This Week in the FLG Paint Studio
See what the FLG Paint Studio has been up to with some of the latest, beautiful commissions painted for our clients!
Warhammer 40k Leviathan Datasheets – Free Download is Live!
Like the core rules, you can now download all the datasheets for the new Tyranid and Space Marine forces here!
40k Global Campaign: the Battle for Oghram
Be part of the epic global battle between Space Marines and Tyranids in the Fourth Tyrannic War. Pre-order the Warhammer 40,000 Leviathan boxed set and receive a special code to join the Battle for Oghram. Help determine the planet’s destiny and gain priority access to upcoming Warhammer 40,000 previews. Prepare your forces for an intense…
5 Unanswered Questions ahead of 10th Edition
Hi all,As we near the launch date for the 10th edition of 40k the leaks and reveals are multiplying exponentially. As such we have a lot of reactions (positive and otherwise), but there are a lot of unknowns. For some of these questions we won’t know the answer for a few years, but others will…
6/10 Pre-orders: Leviathan Week!
Get ready for the launch of Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan, the new edition’s colossal box set featuring 72 stunning miniatures of Space Marines and Tyranids. Learn about the contents, including the special edition hardback Leviathan Core Book, and get ready to pre-order this limited stock release.