Hey everyone, it’s Adam from The Dice Abide. Continuing in my theme of Imperial faction allies for Imperial Knights, we’ve got the more sinister branches to consider. The Grey Knights, Inquisition, and Assassins all bring some interesting, yet expensive toys to the mix, so lets talk about how we can use them. Check out the…
Category: 40K
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #261 Grey Knights vs Astra Militarum
Spam Adams brings a Grey Knights army to bear against Raw Dogger’s nasty Astra Militarum with Culexus ally! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Another Ork Tourney Report from Loopy
Loopy’s back with a tournament Ork report! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great tournament reports!
40K Rules: Invisibility: To Nerf or not to Nerf?
Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood gamer, Reecius here to discuss a topic that has been on a lot of folks minds since 7th dropped: to nerf Invisibility or not.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 10-28-14 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Competitive Play Detachments
Adam jumps in with some ideas for handling detachments in competitive play. What do you all think about these?
Warhammer 40K Veido Bat Rep #260 Iron Hands vs Grey Knights
Reecius plays an iron Hands list against the Rucky brother’s Grey Knights with Imperial Knight ally! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #259 Tyranids vs Daemons
Frankie busts out the Daemon Factory vs. InControl’s powerful Tyranid list in this 1850pt bat rep. Sorry fellas, no lists on this one. Check out the Tactics Corner for more video bat reps.
Spreading The Pain-How the Covens supplement helps the Dark Eldar Codex
Archon Timatron (Timothy Kaye) brings us some thoughts on the Haemonculus Coven!
Imperial Armour 13: Chaos Early Winners
Hey everyone, it’s Adam from TheDiceAbide again, back for more punishment. Hot on the tail of my Heretics and Renegades First Impressions, it’s now time to properly read through the book and talk about the specific vehicles that jumped out to me and why. I’ll probably do a more in-depth review at some point in…