A HH Diorama created by Adrian Smith, called Emperor vs Horus , as a Blood Angel player this scene always gets me a bit teary.. Before I get the black rage….
Category: 40K
On the 2015 40k Tournament Meta and Other Such Shizzle: A Rawdogger Rumination
Happy New Year, everyone!
Daily Awesome Conversion
A quality Necron Army arising from the ground, and it lights up. A great diorama by Blake Kerwick and Nikki B Carter, fantastic work!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40k and general Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 1-17-2014 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Elvis Berzerker Rises Again!
Oh snap, finally broke Elvis out of storage! He’s ready for the next champ to pen their name on the trophy!
Beerhammer 40k: Battle for the Ordo Eroticus
Hey everyone, it’s Adam from TheDiceAbide.com. Last week I got two of my friends over to drink all my beer and play a round of Beerhammer 40k! As a couple of test subjects, I had them play Bierström, which has quickly become my favorite scenario in the game. They were using the older set of…
CaptainA’s Centurionstar Going to TSHFT!
TSHFT (The Seattle Heart of Fire and Sword Tournament) is a regular event in the Seattle area and has been going strong for years now. This year was set to have a large turnout of highly competitive players and I thought it would be a great chance to test the Centuriostar for the LVO. Even…
Warhammer 40,000 Learning Game: Tyranids vs. Imperial Fists (Seriously, worth the watch!)
iNcontroL, Frankie, and Reecius show Max how to play Warhammer 40,000 in this awesome, high quality video shot at the former Rev3 studio!
Daily Awesome Conversion
A beautiful converted Necron Wraith, more of the artist’s work here!
Mixed Terrain Types on Tables, Rad or Risky?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about a topic that comes up from time to time: is it fun or fail to have very different terrain types for a 40k tournament?