A fantastic Demon Prince, called “Visions of Hatred” by Raffa aka Picster. Amazing detail and a great conversion!
Category: 40K
Frankie on Tournament Prep
Hey everyone, Frankie here to talk a little bit about getting ready for a large GT.
Daily Awesome Conversion
An oldie but a goodie, “Magnir’s Crag” a incredible piece put on by Warhammer World. On display in 2012. I especially love the converted Emperor statue into Leman Russ and the Genestealers infiltrating into the Fortress Monastery.
Joke Armies – an Editorial
Ponies and Smurfs and Gundams! Oh my! Sometimes someone posts a joke army they’ve built and painted on the internet and the internet lashes out against it, sometimes quite vociferously. I have a problem with the strong objections to these armies, with caveats. Please note that, throughout this article, I will refer to armies which…
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy
Show Notes 2-14-15 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Necron Decurion Battle Reports and Initial Thoughts
Prelude To A Robotic Dream. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Daily Awesome Conversion
In theme with this week release, we have a Harlequin Titan, this awesome piece by Drew Olds at Garden Ninja Studios, I love the pose and the crushed Space Marine shooting the Harlequin as part of the piece. Great work!
Check us out on Twitch, Live! Broadcast over.
Hey everyone, we’re setting up a trial run of our new streaming rig and Twitch account, let us know how you like it. BACK! That’s all, folks! We’ll be back on the air for LVO, and then regularly after we get settled back in SD. Click here to see the hot action! iNcontroL vs. Capt’n…
The Las Vegas Open Cometh!
We’re just over a week away from the big event!
The Little Vortex That Could
Hello all, Rawdogger here to talk about the importance of keeping a level head during a 40K game in which an ass is being kicked. More specifically, when that ass being kicked is actually your face.