Another Stunning work of art, painted with only Acrylic brush, taking well over a year to complete. The mighty Phantom Titan! You can see a lot of time and love has been put into this. Assembled, built and painted by Andrey Demidov. I love my Titans, and have always enjoy the time time it takes…
Category: 40K
Recording of Second Live Stream: Dark Eldar vs. Daemons
We’re still working out some of the technical issues with Twitch, but, the game went down and it was a lot of fun! Daemons vs. Dark Eldar 40k Live Game! We’re hammering out the details as we go. The video gets going around 9:30 and really looks good at about 45 minutes to an hour…
Raw Dogger Review: Daemonkin
Hello all, Rawdogger here to discuss the latest 40k codex release, Khorne Daemonkin. Why they didn’t just call it Codex Bloodthirster I’m not quite sure though that may be the reason I don’t work in marketing for Games Workshop. Seriously, the GW marketing department figured out a way to get players of this codex to…
NOVA Open GT and Invitational 40k Events and the ITC
We are very happy to announce that the NOVA Open 40k GT and Invitational events will be ITC scoring tournaments!
Live Stream: Dark Eldar vs. Daemons, 7:00PM PST (Lists Posted!) LIVE!
We’re giving g it another go! Tonight at 7pm PST, we’ll be live streaming a 40k game, Daemons vs Dark Eldar! Our Twitch channel is FrontlineGaming_tv. See you there! Dark Eldar Frankie Giampapa Aka Greatest 40k Player in the World Unit Description Size HQ Llahmen 1 Venom Splinter Cannon 1 Troops Kabalite Warrior 5…
Daily Awesome Conversion
A great example of freehand painting! A fantastic example of our hobby in its finest. I cant find the Author (apologies) but my hat off to you!
Recording of our first live streamed game! Orks vs. White Scars
So we got off to a bit of a rocky start with technical issues, but, we got it rocking! The video actually get going around the 32:00 minute mark. Enjoy! Let us know what you liked, didn’t like, and ideas for improvement. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great videos!
Observations of the Mediocre Gamer
Bronson J. writes in with an editorial about what the view’s like from the middle of the pack!
Daily Awesome Conversion
An Amazing piece by Patrick “Schlaubi” Kaiser, called simpley The Imperial Command / Tau Diorama, which came second in the Golden Vinci 2013, looks like those sneaky Tau are up to it again! Love the hidden stealth suits!
The Death Korps of Kreig Siege Regiment Review Part 2: HQ and Elites
Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to continue with the Death Korps of Krieg Siege Regiment review! You can read part 1 here. Be sure to check out the Tactics Corner for more great reviews.