In the relentless battlegrounds of the 41st Millennium, Space Marine Terminators stand as the epitome of heavily-armored heroes, unwavering defenders against the alien, the witch, and the heretic. Now, with the recent launch of Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan, these indomitable warriors have been thrust into the Era Indomitus with imposing new sculpts, ready to reinforce your…
Category: 40K
Predicting the NOVA Open Reveals
As many of you know there is a large set of reveals due out tonight at the NVOA open. Before these big events I like to try and guess to see how many I can get right. I won’t bore you with my correct guess percentage, after all the speculations is half the fun!
Re-live Iconic Engagements with Exemplary Battles in Warhammer 40,000 – The Battle For Macragge
The annals of Warhammer 40,000 are replete with legendary battles that have shaped the grim future of the 41st Millennium. These monumental clashes, from heroic last stands to cataclysmic sieges, are the cornerstone of the Warhammer narrative, captivating hobbyists for years. With the new edition in full swing, the ingenious minds at the Warhammer Studio…
Revel in Unstoppable Carnage with the Norn Emissary and Norn Assimilator
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the Hive Mind operates without emotion or conscious thought, yet occasionally, it designates specific adversaries for annihilation. This results in the creation of colossal bioforms, engineered to relentlessly pursue and obliterate their targets. Meet the apex predators of this gestalt alien intelligence: the Norn Emissary and Norn Assimilator.
New Codex: Tyranids – Explore the Exciting Detachments!
The wait is almost over – the new Codex: Tyranids will soon be available for pre-order, marking a monumental moment as the first Codex release for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. This comprehensive guide is your gateway to immersive lore, breathtaking miniature showcases, and the essential rules you need to command your extragalactic alien…
Codex: Tyranids and other 9/2 Pre-orders!
Get ready for an exciting week in the Warhammer universe as the first Codex of the new edition arrives, accompanied by an array of captivating Tyranid miniatures. From fresh units to revamped classics, let’s delve into the highlights of this eventful week.
Discover the New Miniatures of Warhammer+
Elevate your Warhammer experience with the exclusive subscription service, Warhammer+. This unparalleled offering provides access to an array of captivating content and benefits, ranging from captivating animations and immersive painting guides to enriching lore and exhilarating battle reports. Subscribers also enjoy the privilege of selecting an exclusive new miniature each year, adding an element of…
Signals from the Frontline: Power from Pain(ting)
The latest Signals From the Frontline is now available on YouTube and through Podcast feeds! This week, Kicker and Nicky Dee talk about the upcoming Age of Sigmar releases – especially the incredible range of new minis for Cities of Sigmar. This set really captures the old aesthetic of “The Empire” from Warhammer Fantasy (The…
Midweek Doldrums Trivia Quiz – 8/23
Happy mid-week
Necromunda Unveils “Devils of Gunk Deep” – A Free Downloadable Expansion
As the Aranthian Succession plunges Necromunda into disarray and transforms the ash wastes into a battleground for feuding nobles, unrest brews in the depths of Hive Primus. The “Great Darkness,” an immense blackout that severed Imperial authority in the underhive, gave control of the hydro-exchange of Gunk Deep to mutants, wyrds, and criminals dwelling in…