After many delays, Snowprint Studios finally released the Guild War feature for the 40k Tacticus mobile game. This new format will provide access to more resources and shards for vitally important characters. While many people have really enjoyed this feature it has also shown some unexpected side effects and ramifications. Let’s discuss.
Category: 40K
Check out the Winning Submissions for the 2024 Adepticon Golden Demon Awards!
The winners of the prestigious Golden Demon painting competition at AdeptiCon 2024 have been announced across various categories, showcasing the exceptional talent within the Warhammer community. Let’s dive into the results:
T’au Empire Kroot Army Back in Stock!
If you missed out on the first round of pre-orders now is your chance!
Secondhand Store Friday Finds
With the pre-owned model store now back in business it’s time to update you on all the crazy deals you can find!
This Week in the FLG Paint Studio
Check out the latest commissions from the FLG Paint Studio!
10th Edition and the Death of Evergreen Modeling
Hello, wargamers. FLG has graciously allowed Captain Morgan back into their word harbor to drop off another batch of thoughts and opinions on 10th Edition 40K.
Signals from the Frontline: Rocky Mountain Review Time
The latest Signals From the Frontline is now available on YouTube and through Podcast feeds! Kicker & the FLG team are back from the Rocky Mountain Open. Tune in to hear about the event, the competitive champions, and the hobby heroes! To get the latest and greatest Warhammer and other gaming products, check out the…
The Return of the Jump Pack Chaos Lord
Amidst the chaos engulfing the galaxy, the Chaos Space Marines emerge once again, led by powerful Chaos Lords who seek to seize power and wreak havoc across the Imperium. Two new kits introduce these formidable leaders to the fray.
Warhammer Kill Team: the Cults Face off Against the Votann
In the crumbling world of Bheta-Decima, chaos reigns as warbands vie for valuable loot amidst the ruins of once-thriving seaborne platforms. In the upcoming expansion, Kill Team: Termination, two new Kill Teams will clash in the midst of this turmoil.
Midweek Doldrums Trivia Quiz – 3/19
Happy Mid-Week!