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Category: 40K
Orks Good or Meta Bad? | Signals from the Frontline
Talking SoCal results with the Dice Check fellas.
9E Tau Codex Review: Flyer: DX-6 Remora Stealth Drone
Today we look at the smallest flyer in the game, the Remora Stealth Drone. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
This Week in the ITC: “Balance? You’re Talking about Balance?”
Welcome to “This Week in the ITC” from myself SaltyJohn of TFG Radio “fame” coming at you with a hot take on balance in competitive 40k. Due to the lack of major movement in the ITC standings this week and the announcement of both Genestealer Cults and Custodes as the next Codices coming down the…
Back in Black! (Legion) – 40K Lore Bros | Grim After Dark
After Tanner’s Warhammer Plus review and Taylors Horus Heresy in an Hour, the Bros are back at 100% strength to talk about Black Legion, the second book in ADB’s Abaddon trilogy. Will Taylor still dislike Khayon? Will Tanner still be unable to disagree more? Find Out here!
Deathwatch Review- Warzone Octarius
Hi everyone, Michael here to take a look at the new tools for the Deathwatch from the Warzone Octarius book. For more reviews and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
Tyranids: Warzone Octarius review – Synaptic Link
Hey everyone, Danny from TFG Radio here, and today, let’s dig into the other big part of the Warzone Octarius book, the new Synaptic Link rules for Tyranids. If you like upgrades, all the upgrades, then time to dive in and see how you can cut points for one or just flat out build something…
This Week’s GW Pre-order: Kill Team, Titanicus, Aeronautica and More!
Pre-order these hot new GW items from your friends at Frontline Gaming at discounted prices.
GW Grognard: Weighty Rolls
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about dice and the weight they carry.