Resident Tyranid fanboy Matt is joined by Skarri to dissect what makes the new look Tyranids top tier.
Category: 40K
This Week in the ITC: Current top 30 and Important Las Vegas Open 2022 Updates
Hello ladies and gentlemen of the 40k persuasion, SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here with another article looking at the current state of the ITC. The top 30 in the ITC has changed a lot over the last few months, more so than the top 10. I like to take a look outside the top 10…
Adeptus Custodes Rules Preview
What do you think of the new Adeptus Custodes rules so far?
FLG Paint Studio: Space Wolves Land Raider
This beautiful Space Wolves Land Raider was painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
The 40K Meta is Dead! Long Live The New 40K Meta! | The Thursday Show
Last Week’s Missing Episode!
What is the Best Tournament Format? | Signals From The Frontline
This week we talk to Rob Baer about tournament formats and what’s best in the current meta.
Closer Look: FLG Mats: Temple
Take a closer look at the awesome new Temple FLG Mat, available at a 25% discount during our Black Friday sale!
GW Grognard: Non Painted Models Don’t Count
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to tell you what the real value of your collection is.
Closer Look: FLG Mats: Sandswept Temple
Take a closer look at the awesome new Sandswept Temple FLG Mat, available at a 25% discount during our Black Friday sale!
I’m Thankful for 40k
There has been a lot of negative content regarding the state of competitive 40k in last couple of months. Some of that content might have even been written by my own hands, but in light of the holiday I find myself celebrating today (I won’t be posting to the Fit 40k Facebook Group today) I…