Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio here to give you my guess on what armies has the best chance of winning the Las Vegas Open 40K Champs this year.
Category: 40K
When is it time to sell that army?
I have personally found that my miniature collection often shares certain properties with water. One of the most significant of these properties is its ability to fill whatever room or contain I put it in. Naturally, this leads to a certain problem where I occasionally find myself with more armies then I actually use. At…
The Primus Is The New Patriarch
The new Genestealer Cults book is complex. There are blips, Ambush, Underground and Crossfire all to wrap your head around. These are just the basic rules of the faction! Once a GSC player has a firm grasp on these game mechanics they can start to check out the datasheets for the units in the Codex…
This Week in the ITC: The Las Vegas Open Begins in 2 Days!
Hello, Warhammer 40k fans! I am John Weyermuller (SaltyJohn), from TFG Radio and head judge for the Las Vegas Open here to talk about the LVO which is a short 2 days away!
Shedding a Light On Markerlights
Markerlights have changed a lot in the new Tau codex. For better? For worse? Today we’ll look at how they are different and what that means for Tau armies. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Genestealer Cult Codex – Narrative Review
Hello All, As we continue our trek through the narrative crusade rules for all the armies our next release to scrutinize is the mysterious Genestealer Cults. As with the other reviews I have broken the release down into several sections including a final summary at the end. Army Special RulesAll armies get their own unique…
Ghazghkull Thraka Wins A 120+ Player Major
Lists, data, and all stats are based on information pulled from either Best Coast Pairings, Down Under Pairings, or tabletop to. If you want to make sure your event is included in this weekly article series toss me an email at legiotitanicus at gmail dot com and I’ll make sure that I add it to…
40k Simulation Center: Codex Adeptus Custodes…How do I kill a tank?
With the latest set of codices now on the shelves, it’s time to start breaking down what units and options are going to be right for your list!
JP’s Hobby Hangout: Decals
For my first ever Hobby Hangout article, I would like to tackle one of my favorite topics: decals! Decals, or waterslide transfers, are one of the best ways to add character and authenticity to wargaming pieces.
The T’au are finally up for pre-order
This week we saw another couple of reveals from the new T’au codex on Warhammer Community, but most T’au players would have been aware of the new rules anyway.