Welcome to another episode of The Chief Librarian! This is a lore and narrative gaming-focused podcast around miniature gaming, painting, reading, and all the fun things a hobby should be.
Category: 40K
Interviewing the Pros of 40k: Alex Macdougall – Playing Tyranids in 9th Edition
Hello everyone! Matt over at Dice Check here doing a new series interviewing the pros of Warhammer 40k. From top players of their faction to the heavy hitters, there’s a lot of players out there that people follow to really learn how to play their armies or try to figure out their thought process when…
40k Simulation Center – Longing to Use the Stormsurge
With the latest set of codices now on the shelves, it’s time to start breaking down what units and options are going to be right for your list!
Worst & Best Missions From The NEW GT Mission Pack | Chapter Tactics
Going over the new missions and how they change the state of the game for Warhammer 40k.
GW Grognard: Expectations of the New Season
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give all a glimpse of what we will hopefully see in the upcoming ITC season.
Where is the slow start to the season? | The Thursday Show
Straight back into the big stuff with 200 and 80 person events in the UK and Northern Cali repping the states!
Narrative Review – Necron Codex
Hi all,You might be scratching your head and saying “wait did the Necrons get a new codex?” Nope! I just never did a proper review of some of the earlier crusade rules so I thought I would play catch up while we wait for the Eldar codex to roll through. This was the first set…
The Roundtable of LVO | Grim After Dark
Going over the events of LVO joined by the one and only Val
40k Meta Analysis: Custodes Stomping The Competition
The second article of meta analysis for the first week of February. Going over the CaptainCon and Dawn of War Beyond Odyssey events.
Corner Case GSC Stratagems
The Genestealer Cults Codex is filled with complex rules interactions, in depth datasheets and a unique Custom Cults building mechanic. It took me a full week to understand things like Crossfire and Exposed, and I am still figuring out their uses for things like the Ambush Secondary. With all of the amazing rules packed into…