Tyranids are hot on the scene and are sure to make a huge splash! Thankfully Crusher Stampede is dead,so all we are left with is a nice clean codex to analyze. Shout out to Eric of team Dirty J and the D’s forrequesting some analysis and providing information on a unit we haven’t seen in…
Category: 40K
9E Tau Codex Review: HQs- Aun’va
Today we look at the grand Ethereal of the Tau sept, Aun’va. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Narrative Review – Tyranids
Hi all,Another week arrives and I have another narrative review for you all to enjoy. Today we will be looking at the beastly bugs and will find out if their crusade rules measure up to the table-top power. As with the other reviews I have divided up the review into sections: Army Special Rules, Agendas…
FLG Event Terrain Sets
This week, we are excited to announce our FLG Events Sets. These sets are the exact same loadouts of terrain that we use for our player placed terrain rules at all of our FLG Events! FLG Terrain: Orc Event Set FLG Terrain: Field Base Event Set FLG Terrain: Gothic Ruins Event Set FLG Full Color Terrain:…
Genestealer Cults- Team Tournament Report (Game 1)
Hi everyone, Michael here with the first part of my report on taking the Genestealer Cults to a recent Team tournament. For more reviews and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
Armour of Contempt- Menacing Marines
Hi everyone, Michael here taking a look at the new Armour of Contempt rule, and some thoughts on the various Marine Chapters. For more reviews and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
GW Grognard: Time to Retire Some of the Boys
Hey everyone! Adam , from TFG Radio, here to talk about sending some of my Chaos Space marine models to the retirement container.
Is this the promised land? | The Thursday Show
A great week in wargaming !!! LIVE THURSDAYS at 9PM EST / 6PM PST! Sub on Youtube https://bit.ly/3pYAexO Follow on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/frontlinegaming_tv Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FrontlineGaming Or listen wherever quality podcasts are found! Host: Paul Murphy Twitter: @warmaster_tpm Instagram: fightswithdice Forge The Narrative Podcast Co-Hosts: Adam Camilleri Art of War Downunder Podcast Dustin “Dusty” Henshaw Stud or Scrub Podcast Produced…
Theory-crafting – Eldar Corsairs (Anhrathe)
Hi All,As my most successful ITC season came on the backs of a fun, janky Eldar Corsair list I thought it might be worth examining whether the new Anhrathe units can be compiles into something vaguely competitive. Sadly the old Corsair Reaver Bands have gone the way of all legends but two new units have…
Joining and Starting Your Own Warhammer Team Organization | Chapter Tactics
Stephen Box joins Chapter Tactics to give you tips and guidance on the benefits of joining or starting a Warhammer Team Organization.