The Fresh off of his WTC tour, Adam Camalleri of ozzy fame joins Signals resident Cajun, Kicker and FLGN Canadian director Val to fill us in on how the world is looking post 40K Olympics.
Category: 40K
New Full Color Terrain: Urban Corruption
We are excited to announce our newest terrain release–the Corrupted Terrain Set. We have five different color options available, so the terrain works will with several of our mats. The Corrupted Terrain Set was features on stream at the Lone Star Open last month.
9E Tau Codex Review: Elites- Krootox Riders
Today we look at the poorest of fellows, the lowly Krootox. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Narrative Review – Chaos Space Marines – Part 3 – Night Lords and Iron Warriors
Hi all! We are continuing through our review of the Chaos Space Marine codex. Today we will be going in depth on two legions (my two favorite ones) the Night Lords and the Iron Warriors! Night LordsThe Night Lords get some intriguing options that might be traps, but are very fluffy ones. Their agenda gives…
If Nobody Streamed the WTC Did It Even Actually Happen? | Grim After Dark
Put him in coach, Backup Quarterback and FLGN Producer extraordinaire gets dragged into this mess because Jon didn’t do his job (Again)
Crusade Rules Rankings – C and D Tiers
Hi All,As we are close to all factions having received crusade rules, we can start comparing them. Now, it is important to note that these rankings are subjective and you are welcome to disagree. Also it is important to note that these rankings don’t men that you can’t build a good (or even oppressive) crusade…
Road to the NOVA Open Narrative – Interview with Organizer Chris Stover
Hi All,Because I want to be lazy and paint today I decided to slot in an interview I did with one of the organizers for the event Chris Stover. 1. Tell me a bit about you and the other organizers, what armies do you play? How long have you been playing and what are some…
GW Grognard: Achievements Unlocked
Hey everyone! Adam here, from TFG Radio, to discuss some of the great, and not so great, things about Abaddon.
FLG Secondhand Shop Restock
Today, we have added over 80 new items to our Secondhand Shop! Please be sure to check both the Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 sections. Additionally, over the past several weeks, we have added several items to the following Secondhand Shop categories: Battlefleet Gothic Blood Bowl Marvel Crisis Protocol Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Star Wars Armada Star Wars X-Wing Warlord Games Warhammer 40,000 Epic…
Narrative Review – Chaos Space Marines – Part 2
Hi All,We are continuing our trek through the Chaos Space Marine codex’s crusade rules! Today we will be covering the Agendas, Relics, Army Traits, and requisitions! Agendas and Relics: The CSM get four core agendas: The Eye of The Gods provides a way for you to get lots of glory for your champion. Initially, every…