We go over all the champs from the SoCal open this past weekend, hear from Seth on whether Leagues of Votann did better at Come the Apocalypse, and run down the exciting event series from FLG for 2023!
Category: 40K
The Real Strength of The Genestealer Cults
I haven’t written actual Genestealer Cult content in quite some time, and with a name like BugProletariatI thought it was about time to actually produce some content for my favorite 40k faction. While it isawesome to see so many of my four-armed brethren being so successful at 40k events, I am also a littlesad that…
Narrative Review – Leagues of Votann
Can you believe it’s been almost a month since my last 40k narrative review! Crazy! Today we are looking at the “I can’t believe it’s not Squats” army the Leagues of Votann (LoV). Army Specific Rules: It’s interesting to note that the LoV have a rule allowing Imperium players to take their units (up to…
A Warhammer 40k Show Worthy of The Balance Update | Grim After Dark
The Balance Dataslate came and went, and the world… sort of meh’d? Go through the Frontline Major schedule for 2023, We look at the number one Chess coaching tool and share our greatest frustrations.
FLG’s FULL COLOR Gothic Ruins Event Set Added To The HOBBY BOX GIVEAWAY
The beautiful Gothic Ruins Event Set has just been added to the hobby box giveaway as a prize that you could win!
Behold all of the FLG events and dates for the 2023 season with TWO NEW EVENTS!
To Secure the Future of Warhammer+ GW Must Lean on its Past
Warhammer+ has led a troubled life. Released over a year ago, it has struggled along as something of a half-finished product. It has a decent interface but not a lot of content. While GW has been slowly adding to the service, it has been at a glacial pace. Releases seem to be timed haphazardly and…
Phat Thoughts – Let’s Hear it for the Boyz! Socal Open Review
Hey everyone, Jason here to do a quick review of the SoCal Open from a player that dropped out before the first round.
The SoCal OPEN Hall of Fame (2017-Present)
The SoCal open first launched in 2017 and was the first real big event in Southern California where the Competition is fierce. The Bay Area Open was already an iconic event that has been around since 2010, however the SoCal Open is one of the newer major events in the competitive scene where you can…
FLG Articles of the Week
We’re back with another great week at FLG giving you some awesome articles for your pretty eyeballs.