One of the interesting things about being in the 40K world for many years is that you get to see how companies evolve over time. You can witness the professionalization of Games Workshop and the ways they have sought to interact (if at all) with their customers. In my opinion one of the more interesting…
Category: 30K
Warhammer World – a Review
With things easing in the United Kingdom, my family was able to travel over for my younger brother’s wedding.
9E Tau Codex Review: Troops: Breacher Teams
The last of the troop options, the Breacher Team. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
LVO 2022 Registration is OPEN!
Do not hesitate to grab those tickets for the LVO 2022, they are selling like wildfire!
New ITC Terrain Set: Research Outpost
This fantastic new ITC Terrain Set: Research Outpost is absolutely gorgeous and available at a discounted price during the release period!
New AoS and 30K Models Spotted!
These bad boys are looking great! What do you think?
New FLG Mat: Lava 2
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat: Lava 2, at discounted prices during the promotional period!
New FLG Mat and a Sale on Gothic Ruins!
Wow, a brand new FLG Mat AND a sale on the popular Gothic Ruins terrain set?!
GW Grognard: I sometimes miss 30K
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about something other than 40K. That’s right, 30K!
FLG Paint Studio: Salamanders
These striking Salamanders were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!