Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, back to give my unwanted opinions on all things 40K!
Category: 30K
GW Grognard: Book Recommendations
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to help you with your reading skills.
When is it time to sell that army?
I have personally found that my miniature collection often shares certain properties with water. One of the most significant of these properties is its ability to fill whatever room or contain I put it in. Naturally, this leads to a certain problem where I occasionally find myself with more armies then I actually use. At…
Closer Look: FLG Mats: Temple
Take a closer look at the awesome new Temple FLG Mat, available at a 25% discount during our Black Friday sale!
FLG Paint Studio: Space Marines Contemptor Dreadnought
This amazing Space Marines Contemptor Dreadnought was painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Closer Look: FLG Mats: Overgrown Temple
Take a closer look at the awesome new Overgrown Temple FLG Mat, available at a 25% discount during our Black Friday sale!
Want a Closer Look at our New Full Color Terrain?
Check out this review from Black Rabbit Gaming, they got their hands on a set of the new FLG Full Color Terrain and put together video review.
Last Chance at the 25% Off and Full Color Terrain!
We’ve extended the Black Friday 25% off sale for 1 more day by popular demand AND, this is your last chance to grab Full Color Terrain until February 2022! We have to shut the full color terrain sales down so we have time to prepare for the LVO so unless you want to wait until…
Warhawk Review and 30K Narrative Campaign
Welcome to another episode of The Chief Librarian! This is a lore and narrative gaming-focused podcast around miniature gaming, painting, reading, and all the fun things a hobby should be.
Pre-order the New Harrowdeep!
Pre-order the new Harrowdeep from us here at Frontline Gaming through our web-cart and save money!