Hi all,Another week, another quiz! Today we look at Land Raiders, formations, and early Age of Sigmar rules.Enjoy! Previous week’s results:
Category: 30K
Horus Heresy Thursday – The Tank Commanders Roll In
Happy Thursday everyone! In today’s article on Warhammer Community we got to see some new models as well as some snippets from the upcoming Cthonia campaign book!
Horus Heresy Thursday – Forge World Retools
Hi allNot to get your hopes up, but we sadly won’t be seeing the following kits moving to plastic. However, Forge World has just announced they are re working a number of kits to be compatible with the plastic sponsons!
Mid-Week Doldrums Quiz – True Grit
Hi all, We are here today with another quiz for you to pass the time! This week we dip into some WHFB nostalgia and special character minutiae!
Which Primarchs Should not Return?
With the return of the Lion immanent, I think many people are wondering whicj pirmarch will be the next to get a table-top model? Will it be Corax? There have been some mentions in the lore of how it could happen. What about Jaghatai? Or Dorn? Maybe even Fulgrim? While speculation is fun, I think…
Games Workshop Needs to add more Character to the Chaos Daemons
In many ways one of the best things to ever happen to the Necrons was the lore re-write that occurred in their fifth edition codex. While they went from a competently inscrutable race led by mysterious gods to one that was mired in internal politics like everyone else. They also became more interesting and complex…
Adepticon Reveals : Horus Heresy The Cthonia Campaign
Hi All,I am starting my series of articles on the reveals from Adepticon with some 30K news. The upcoming book will focus on the Sons of Horus’ attempt to retake their home world from the Imperial Fists. While this news has been dwarfed by the other reveals it has some important implications.
How should GW retire the First-Born Space Marines? – a modest proposal
I think we all know that the day is coming (and we are closer to that day than further from it) when GW will drop the axe on the old Space Marine units and press forward with a primaris-only line. It’s been almost six years since the first primaris marines appeared, and they are slowly…
Heresy Thursday – Remaining Contemptor Torsos Arrive!
Hi All, When the initial announcement was made that expansion packs for Legion-specific Contemptor Dreadnought torsos was made I saw a number of people complain that their faction wasn’t in the initial wave. To their credit, we have seen GW take a while to catch up on releases and there were worries of a long…
The Road to the NOVA Open 2023 – Planning the Journey
Hi All,Last year I did a series of articles looking at the NOVA open and my preparations for it. This year I am doing the same, just starting a little earlier. This article will be brief, covering what events I am attending and how I am trying to prepare for those events. Lessons from last…