In the next installment of the Dawnbringers series, titled “Shadow of the Crone,” the Twin-Tailed Crusade faces increasingly daunting challenges as they endeavor to establish new settlements in the realms of Aqshy and Ghyran. However, their efforts are threatened by a sinister conspiracy that looms over Hammerhal Aqsha. Fortunately, Hanniver Toll and Armand Callis, accompanied…
Author: Lord Paddington
GW 3/2 Pre-Orders: The Solar Auxilia and Old World Arrive!
The Solar Auxilia, stalwart allies of the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade, will soon be available in a comprehensive Battle Group set, featuring 28 new miniatures.
Warhammer World: Ork Preview
Ork technology is renowned across the galaxy for its rugged efficiency and brutal effectiveness, a testament to the ingenuity of the Meks who craft these instruments of destruction. Among the Ork ranks, Big Meks stand out as the master engineers, possessing rare skills and knowledge that elevate them to positions of prestige rivaling even the…
Warhammer World Custodes Preview!
n the ever-volatile galaxy of Warhammer 40,000, where threats loom from every corner of the cosmos, the defense of the Throneworld rests upon the stalwart shoulders of the Adeptus Custodes, the Emperor’s personal guard. Renowned as the Ten Thousand, these warriors are the epitome of martial prowess and unwavering loyalty, and now they welcome a…
Meet the Newest Blood Bowl Team! And Their Fuzzy Friends!
The Gnome Blood Bowl team brings a unique blend of athleticism, cunning, and furry companionship to the gridiron. Despite their diminutive stature, these Gnomes rely on their agility, illusion magic, and the aid of their woodland friends to outmaneuver and outwit their opponents.
Warhammer World Reveals: Gunner Brand
The Darkoath tribe, led by the formidable Gunnar Brand and his Oathbound warriors, emerges as a force to be reckoned with in the tumultuous lands of Aqshy. Despite their allegiance to the Chaos Gods, Gunnar harbors a deep-seated mistrust of divine intervention, leading his tribe on a path of conquest and independence.
Dawnbringer Chronicles XXII – Faithless
A palpable tension is in the air as the Faithless warriors navigate the treacherous landscapes of Aqshy, haunted by the specter of their past decisions. Tsupa Brim, the steadfast Steelhelm of the 14th Leaden Bulls, grapples with the weight of leadership amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and betrayal.
Heresy Thursday – Meet Tybalt Marr
Amidst the ashes of Isstvan V’s massacre, a legend emerged – Tybalt Marr, the relentless scourge known as The Eater and the Hunter of the Iron Heart. Leading the charge for the Sons of Horus, Marr pursued the Shattered Legions with a ferocity matched only by his disdain for them.
New Skaven Weapon Team Leak
So looks like the rumors that the Skaven will be the bad guys in the 4th ed Age of Sigmar box just got more real!
Secondhand Store Restock!
Check out these amazing previously new models that have just rolled into our store!