In the midst of the tumultuous events unfolding in the Mortal Realms, a familiar narrative unfolds – that of a sister’s determined quest to find her lost brother. Yet, within the Temple of the Ur-Phoenix, secrets lie hidden, and what awaits may not be what one expects.
Author: Lord Paddington
Heresy Thursday: Find redemption with Hibou Khan
During the tumultuous era of the Horus Heresy, when the galaxy was engulfed in flames of treachery and rebellion, not all of the Loyalist Legions remained steadfast in their allegiance to the Emperor. Among them were the White Scars, whose ranks were divided as some of their warriors chose to follow the path of betrayal…
Age of Sigmar 4th Ed: The Full Re-Write No One is Asking For.
As was widely fear it looks like the next edition of Age of Sigmar is going to be a full re-write, invalidating all current books and resetting the armies back to indexes. With the disastrous launch of 10th Edition many people are understandably concerned, especially with 3rd edition being the most popular edition yet. At…
The Next Edition of Age of Sigmar Has Been Announced! Blight City Emerges!
The Mortal Realms are in chaos as the Skaven hordes, long absent from the forefront of the battles, unleash a catastrophic scheme centuries in the making. Dubbed the Vermindoom, this scheme wreaks havoc by bridging Blight City directly into the Realm of Fire and tearing open festering rifts across the Mortal Realms. Additionally, the Great…
The Final Chapter of the Dawnbringers Crusade Begins
The climactic finale of the Dawnbringer Crusades approaches, as Embergard in Aqshy and Verdigris in Ghyran stand defiant against the onslaught of Chaos. However, sinister forces conspire in the shadows, and the Darkoath and Bloodbound surge forth while Archaon unleashes his formidable champion, Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen, upon Ghyran.
A Familiar Dwarfen Face Reappears
The Dwarfen Mountain Holds have stirred once more, and their battalions march forth with ale in their bellies, grudges in their hearts, and blackpowder in their magazines. Let’s delve into the treasures and armaments that await in the depths of these ancient holds.
Warhammer Underworlds Shocking New Warbands
Venturing into the treacherous depths of the Deathgorge, where the hatcheries of the Rimewyrms lurk, awaits the Wintermaw, the next season of Warhammer Underworlds.
The Next Warcry Set has Been Announced!
Amidst the perilous landscape of the Ravening Ruin, where the wrecked Seraphon temple ship Talaxis lies, warbands from the Mortal Realms vie for control and plunder. In Warcry: Briar and Bone, the eternal conflict between Death and Life escalates as the Teratic Cohorts of the Ossiarch Bonereapers clash with the Twistweald of the Sylvaneth.
The Return of the Jump Pack Chaos Lord
Amidst the chaos engulfing the galaxy, the Chaos Space Marines emerge once again, led by powerful Chaos Lords who seek to seize power and wreak havoc across the Imperium. Two new kits introduce these formidable leaders to the fray.
Warhammer Kill Team: the Cults Face off Against the Votann
In the crumbling world of Bheta-Decima, chaos reigns as warbands vie for valuable loot amidst the ruins of once-thriving seaborne platforms. In the upcoming expansion, Kill Team: Termination, two new Kill Teams will clash in the midst of this turmoil.