Hi everyone! I would like to dedicate the following series of articles to people who play competitive 40k with the armies they love rather than the most effective ones. This one is for all the mono Harlequin, Death Guard, Death Watch etc. players out there: keep being awesome!
Author: Lord Paddington
Planning Your Tournament Season
Hi Everyone, Originally I had this article planned for earlier in the year, but then life got in the way and plans interfered etc. Of course, recent events have cleared that schedule and I figured now would be a good time to write it up. When I made my first foray into serious contention for…
Three Do’s and one Don’t: Running a Narrative Campaign
Hi Everyone, after a short break we’re continuing our series (you can find part 1 here ) For this next section I am going to include some tips for maintaining a narrative campaign through the middle stretches.
Point-Counterpoint: Chasing the Meta
Good Afternoon Everyone. As the dust from the LVO continues to settle over the meta I am sure many of you are trying to anticipate what the next trend will be. For those of you with the forethought to save your pocket money from the holidays, I am sure you are wondering whether it is…
Anatomy of a Campaign: The Set Up
Hi everyone, Lord Paddington here. I thought I would punctuate my narrative Do’s and Don’ts articles with updates from a campaign I am currently running, so you can see how I try to work out some of the issues I discuss in my articles. In today’s article, I will cover the background and set up…