As a (self proclaimed) competitive 40k player one skill that I always need to keep fresh is the ability to open a codex and find the data sheets inside that provide instant value when added to an army list. This can be in the form of an aggressively pointed unit, a unit in the codex…
Author: BugProletariat
How to Build a Mini-Community (Or 40k Team)
It was early in the morning before the second day of the first team event my friends and I had managed to attend.
All The Extra Characters Please!
The Genestealer Cult codex was one of the first to include multiple buffing characters who showed up in slots other then Headquarters. In 8th Edition many of my GSC lists had a ton of these small buffing characters that generally were included to give out specific buffs to a single portion of my army, but…
Playing with your Primus
In past GSC articles we have covered various tips and tricks for using characters like the Patriarch and Magus, but there is one more unit from the GSC codex that forms the complete Brood Coven. The Primus, along with the Patriarch and Magus, leads the Cult throughout the planning and execution of overthrowing the Imperial…
GSC’s Upside is in Their Minds
This week’s article is going to focus on one of the areas where the Genestealer Cults still have something to celebrate. The psychic phase can still be a big strength for the Cults. With some of the most impactful powers available to almost any army, GSC is zigging when the rest of 40k is zagging…
Picking That 1st (or next) Army
As I have been lucky enough to write some of these articles revolving around the Genestealer Cults army some of my 40k teammates and friends have questioned me on my choice to “keep hitting my head against the wall” by playing GSC in the few games I have been able to get in during the…
Scoring Primary Points with GSC is Easy…Right?
9th Edition 40k has taken a strong shift from the supremacy of the shooting army to the rise of the melee army.
The Best of the Worst GSC
GSC is in a tough spot right now. While over the last few weeks I’ve written articles talking up some of the pros to playing GSC in 9th Edition the fact is that our poor faction is (statistically) one of the worst in the game right now. I do not say this to discourage anyone…
Playing with your Patriarch
In last week’s article about picking secondaries while playing Genestealer Cults I mentioned all GSC lists are going to include a certain model. The Patriarch is the leader of the Cults both in the lore and, since they are required to be your Warlord, on the tabletop. Taking a quick glance over the datasheet for…
Choosing Secondaries as GSC
As a member of many prestigious Competitive 40k Groups, the number one topic I see brought up is a person asking if the other members of the group think that their newly developed army list is competitive. While there is nothing wrong with getting feedback on an army list when getting started with a faction…