This week we have the much anticipated Mega-Gargants for AoS, more Necron units and more items up for pre-order at discounted prices with FREE shipping options!
Author: Reecius
Artefacts of the Mega-Gargants
More info on the upcoming Sons of Behemat for AoS! This “fatnasy Knights” army is looking rad. Dive in to see more about their Artefacts via the Warhammer-community team. And remember, you’ll be able to purchase these from us in our web-cart tomorrow!
Signals from the Frontline #705: Space Marines and Necrons 9th ed Codex Discussion!
Reece and the Rhino discuss the new 9th ed Necron and Space Marine Codexes as well as community news!
Mega-Gargant Mercenaries
The Warhammer-community team brings us an update on the upcoming new AoS Battletome: Sons of Behemat! You will be able to order these amazing models from us at discounted prices this weekend in our web-cart!
Tournament Report: Hanseatic Open
Hanseatic Alliance Open A triple digits 40k tournament though Corona.
The Biggest Changes in Codex Necrons & In depth overview of codex Necrons -9th ed
The Tabletop Titans crew brings us both an overview of the big changes for Necrons in 9th ed 40k as well as a second video with an in-depth look at the new dex.
Space Marine Biggest Changes & In depth overview of codex Space Marines – 9th edition
The Tabletop Titans crew brings us an in depth look at the Space Marines Codex for 9th ed 40k as well as a shorter “biggest changes” video.
Mega-Gargants – On the Table
The Warhammer-community team brings us more awesome info on the incoming Mega-Gargants! You will be able to buy these big boys in the FLG Web-Cart at discounted prices this coming Saturday the 10th of October!
Ettin Ready for Bashin’!
I finished painted this awesome Ettin miniature for our DnD campaigns.
Sunday Preview – HUGE News for the Mortal Realms
The Warhammer-community team brings us a preview of what’s coming out in the near future! I cannot wait to get my hands on one of those Mega-Gargants.