The Warhammer-community team brings us another reveal on the upcoming Death Guard!
Author: Reecius
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide – Official Gameplay Trailer
A gameplay trailer for the anticipated Darktide game!
Nerdery: Disney Announces the Launch of 10 Star Wars Shows
This sounds great for Star Wars lovers out there and odds are if you read this blog, that applies to you!
The Genesys Project is in its Final 48 Hours!
Our friends over at the Genesys Project are in the final hours of their KicStarter!
News: Necromunda Underhive Wars Getting New Gang!
The popular video game set in the Necromunda world is getting a new gang in an upcoming DLC: the Van Saars! The DLC drops on December 14th.
More Death Guard Sneak Peaks!
Death Guard Rules Preview Part 3: Remorseless Thanks to the Warhammer-community team for bringing us more info on the upcoming Death Guard!
Signals from the Frontline #714: The Warhammer 40k List Building App is Here!
Join Reece and Frankie for a discussion about the upcoming Death Guard and the new Warhammer 40,000 list building app!
Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try the Ultimate Army List Creator for Free
It’s finally here! Join in the beta to help make the best list building app for 40k! This info comes to us via the Warhammer-community page.
Nerdery: Game of Thrones Prequel: Trailer (HBO) | House of the Dragon
Hmmm, to give it another chance and risk massive disappointment again or not….what say you all?
Death Guard Rules Preview Part 2: Deadly Pathogens
The Warhammer-community team brings us another preview on the upcoming Death Guard!