This creepy Necron Canoptek Reanimator was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Author: Reecius
New FLG Mat: Locone Peninsula
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat for you: Locone Peninsula, available at a discounted price during the release period!
New Fan Short: The Raptor
This new animated short is really good, give it a watch!
Signals from the Frontline #722: Drukhari Rules Sneak Peak
Reece and Frankie chat about the last week in the Warhammer hobby including the upcoming AoS releases this weekend and a Drukhari sneak peak!
FLG Paint Studio: Necropolis Stalkers
These beautiful Necropolis Stalkers of the Ossiarch Bonereapers faction in Age of Sigmar, were painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
FLG Paint Studio: Celestant Prime
This absolutely stunning Celestant Prime of the Stormcast Eternals is a gorgeous centerpiece model!
Rules Preview for the Upcoming Daughters of Kahine!
This exciting upcoming AoS factions look to be interesting factions to play! You will be able to snag these in our web-cart at discounted prices when they go up for pre-order!
New Drukhari Rules, Heyohhh!
GW is showing off more and more Drukhari rules ad they’re looking quite improved! What do you think?
FLG Paint Studio: Blood Angels Ancient
The FLG Paint Studio making waves with this lovely Blood Angels Ancient!
Sunday Preview – Devotees of divine excess and murder collide
This preview comes to us via the Warhammer-community team! You can pick these items up in our web-cart!