The Lone Star Open 2021 (LSO 2021) is a tabletop gaming convention held at the beautiful Watters Creek Convention Center in Allen, TX. This event is run by the highly experienced FLG Events team. This event occurs between July 23rd through the 25th, 2021.
Author: Reecius
The fearless leader of the intrepid group of gamers gone retailers at Frontline Gaming!
FLG Paint Studio: Immolator
This Adeptus Sororitas Immolator was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Nerdery: Army of the Dead Trailer
This looks amazingly fun!
Updated AdMech Weapons Spotted!
The Warhammer-community team brought us an update on the upcoming AdMech, what do you think about them?
FLG Paint Studio: Adeptus Mechanicus
These Adeptus Mechanicus were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Some Amazing New Models on the Way!
The Warhammer-community team has been showing off some awesome models!
FLG Paint Studio: Gouged Eye Blood Bowl Team
These awesome Gouged Eye Orcs for Blood Bowl were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
40k Lead Game Dev Job Opening
Do you want to lead the Warhammer 40k Game Development team, setting the direction and ambition of the system and delivering ever better rules and gaming content?
FLG Paint Studio: Greenfield Grasshuggers
This fun Halfling Blood Bowl Team was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
New Angels of Death Trailer!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!