Title: Fantasy Fridays!Location: Frontline GamingDescription: Come and join us for our first Warhammer Fantasy night at Frontline Gaming! This first meeting will be a time to get in some games, meet the other Fantasy enthusiasts in the area and make some new friends. Start Time: 17:00Date: 2012-11-23End Time: 22:00
Author: Reecius
Video Battle Report: Logan and Friends vs. The Dirty Dozen!
In this friendly game, Reecius busts out his themed IG army (The DIrty Dozen!) vs. Raw Dogger’s Space Wolves (Logan and Friends) in a very fun game.
40K Video Battle Report: Tyranids Vs. Daemons 1750pts BAO Test Game
In this BAO test game, Smilin Dan busts out his Tzeentch Daemons (with blood Thirster!) against the Nids! This game shows some really solid tactics for fighting Daemons of the Tzeentch variety.
Go Vote!
Go vote, or don’t complain about anything in this country for the next 4 years!
Signals from the Frontline: Eldar and Ork rumors, Also an Interview with Cruddace.
Eldar and Ork rumors, Frankie Also Discuss an Interview with Cruddace.
Nids, Further Evolutions at 1750pts
The testing continues!
40K Video Bat Rep: 1750 BAO Test Game
In this battle, Reece busts out his Nids against Captain Dees’ tournament Biker Marines in a very fun bat rep.
Guest 40K Editorial by Facepuncher: Midrange Lists (And Why I Don’t Like them Anymore)
A guest editorial by Facepuncher.
Chaos Double Header Part 2
In this Double Header, we see Reecius’ Night Lords out against Jy2’s Tyranids, and again against Capt’n Dees’ 1,000 Sons in a pair of 1750pt BAO test matches.
Narrative Campaign Basics
Hey y’all!(I recently went to Texas and that is how they talk) Raw Dogger here to give you the inside skinny on the 411 on all the things you NEED to know about our upcoming 40k narrative campaign.