Signals from the Frontline: BAO News, New Releases, Daemon Rumors, Pre-Release 25% off Specials! Press play to listen to the podcast!
Author: Reecius
Pre-Order 25% off Special is a Go!!
Hey everyone, starting on Saturday the big new Gamesworkshop 40K release is going up for pre-order! Here’s a link to their teaser video:
Check Out Our Recent Projects!
We’ve been painting like mad!!
New Release: HiTech Miniatures: Arch Father Mortimer
HiTech puts out another great miniature!
New Super 40K Combo?
I was discussing 40K with Vidar (member of our team) who recently returned from New Orelans. He was playing there in a local group and said he encountered a combo that was pretty nasty.
Dark Angels and the Direction of 40K
Let’s talk about the new Dark Angels and what they mean for the future of the game.
Signals from the Frontline: DA Pre-Order Specials, Rumors, New Releases, List Review
Signals from the Frontline: DA Pre-Order Specials, Rumors, New Releases, List Review Press play to listen to the podcast!
40K Video Bat Rep: Hot Eldar on Eldar Action!
Grant gets back from boot camp and thinks he can call out Frankie in this 1750pt BAO Practice game! Who will win: Seercouncil Eldar or the infamous Harliestar?
Signals from the Frontline: News and Stuff
Signals from the Frontline: News and Stuff Press play to listen to the podcast!
Dark Eldar at 1750pts
Here’s a list I have been toying with that I thought would be good for some conversation.