Let’s do this! What builds are jumping out at you all so far? I have a LOT I am liking but want to hear some feedback, I might be missing some of the cool stuff you all are seeing!
Author: Reecius
Signals from the Frontline: Fliers, Daemons, Release Schedule, New Releases
Signals from the Frontline: Fliers, Daemons, Release Schedule, New Releases Press play to listen to the podcast!
Dark Angels Codex Review!
Dark Angels Codex Review! Press play to listen to the podcast.
A Pathfinder Campaign Chapter 1: Of Orcs and Men
This is the tale of Team Zero Comp’s Pathfinder adventures. We play every Monday and it’s a blast! We’re part Lord of the Rings, part Monte Python and 100% fun. If you’re curious about joining in on an RPG jump in and give it a go! We sell all Pathfinder (and D&D) products at 20%…
Guest Editorial: Edwin on Doom Scythes and their Failings.
The noble Doom Scythe Howdy everyone. So I was thinking, and I decided to talk about something that I feel very strongly about. It is an opinion that I know many people don’t share. I want to talk about why the Necron Doom Scythe is actually a terrible unit. That is right, I said it….
WARGamesCon 2013 is Coming! WargamesCon is back for its 5th year, bigger and better than ever.! Great, massive venue – June 6th -9th at the Austin Renaissance. Be There!
Chess Rankings and 40K
Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk about meaningful rankings in 40K. Rankings in 40K have always been a difficult thing to quantify. With the myriad tournament formats out there, comparing who is “the best” is a difficult task.
Signals from the Frontline: BAO News, Rumors, News, New Releases, General Awesomeness
Signals from the Frontline: BAO News, News, New Releases, General Awesomeness. Press play to listen to the podcast!
Guest Editorial: Forgeworld and Tournaments by BBF
I just had an interesting conversation yesterday with a local friend regarding the use of Forge World for competitive play. Basically I got the message there is a line drawn in the sand… You’re either pro Forge World or anti Forge World. I think this is a really bad stance to take and I’ll discuss…
Bugs on the Horizon, Rumors and Reflections!
These come to us via our main man on the rumors, Natfka over at Faeit 212, commentary by your’s truly!