Today is the last day for cheap sign up for 3++con and we’re only two weeks away (Feb 16th-17th)!
Author: Reecius
WoC Rumor Compilation via. Natfka and Johan Mars
These come to us from Faeit 212 and Johan Märs over at Dice and Brush
Nids Double Header vs Chaos and Marines + IG 1750 BAO Match
Frankie calls out Reecius’ Nids with his new Chaos list in a grudge match! Then, Reecius takes on ChristianA’s very, very good new Marine/IG list.
Seeing as how we’re currently working on a first draft for an Indie tournament FAQ, I have been thinking a lot about RAW vs. RAI.
Guest Editorial by Edwin: A Balancing Act and Why I Fail at It.
A wonderful balancing act. A guest editorial by Edwin on balance. -ed
Signals from the Frontline: Flyer and WoC Rumors, New Releases, List Reviews
Signals from the Frontline: Flyer and WoC Rumors, New Releases, List Reviews Press play to listen to the podcast!
GW Preview Video on the new WoC models!
Very cool, check these out!
Guest Editorial by 6th Street Alan: Tyranids Tactica
A Guest Editorial by 6th Street Alan, winner of WargamesCon, TSHFT, and the ETC Singles. -ed With the emergence of 6th edition like many of us I decided on switching my army type once again. With each new edition I try to mix things up and play something against the meta and against the bandwagon approach.
Guest Editorial: Dr. Insanotron’s TSHFT Open Battle Report: Deathwing/Grey Knights
Hello everyone Dr.Insanotron here from Sinister Wargaming. Today I was asked by Reecius if I would do a wright up on the army list I used, Tactics behind it, and battle reports on the games I played at the TSHFT Open this passed weekend. Since I love talking shop I thought it would be good…
Guest Editorial on Ravenwing at TSHFT Part 2 by Jeremy Veysseire
TSHFT Open ( is over; I had a great time, and played 5 amazing individual with very different lists.