You guys know what this means, when this drops, we’ll be doing our traditional 25% off retail special!
Author: Reecius
For Sale: Large Tyranid Lot (Sold)
This lot is for sale and includes everything you see below. The asking price is $600 OBO, and is set at 50% below retail. None of the models are painted. There are some conversions as well. Please contact me at with any questions.
Can We Take GW Over with Kickstarter?
So, Tastey Taste and I were having a funny conversation, but what if we could really pull it off? Hmmm….
Signals from the Frontline: 40K Tournament FAQ, News, Rumors, Tactics, List Review
Signals from the Frontline: 40K Tournament FAQ, News, Rumors, Tactics, List Review Press play to listen to the podcast.
Renegade Open!
Genesis of a Grand Tournament The Renegade Open Grand Tournament is a weekend of miniature war gaming for Warhammer 40K held Nov. 23rd & 24th 2013 at the Rockwoods Banquet Center
Of Orcs and Men Chapter 5: A Pathfinder Campaign
This is the tale of Team Zero Comp’s Pathfinder adventures.
40K Independent Tournament FAQ
Warhammer 40,000 Rules Addendum Please note, this is a working draft of the FAQ as voted upon by a council of Independent Tournament Organizers and is subject to change. This overrides any previous rulings I have made. This is also the FAQ you will see at many events, including Adepticon, WargamesCon, Feast of Blades, etc….
Check out our Recent Painting Commissions!
Here are over a dozen of our recently completed commissions along with the paint level so you can get an idea of what kind of work we do and about what these projects cost to get done. As always, if you want to inquire on a painting project of your own, we’re happy to help!…
Kromlech New Release: Orks in Heavy Armor and More!
These are sa-weet!!
BAO Alternative Warmahordes Tournament Updated Info
BAO’s Warmachine/Hordes Tournament