Tau and Eldar Rumors, Pre Order Coming With In A Week As Well. Press play to listen to the podcast!
Author: Reecius
Guest Editorial by Fleet of Claw: Why I love Zoanthropes and You Should Too!
A guest editorial by Fleet of Claw.
Let’s Talk Units: Chaos Space Marines
I just can’t quit you, Chaos Space Marines!
Signals From the Frontline: Tournament News, Tau and GW Rumors, List for Review
Signals From the Frontline: Tournament News, Tau and GW Rumors, List for Review.
New Features at Frontline Gaming!
Super sweet bros and bras, Frontline got a Make-over and some new functionality.
For Sale: Beautiful Grey Knights Paladins and Draigo with Display Board
These are seriously stunning! Asking price: $250 OBO
Guest Editorial by Edwin: Sisters of Battle: Paper Tigers of a Thousand Paper Cuts
A guest editorial on Sisters of Battle by Edwin.
Daemons First Impressions
Hey everyone, Reecius here to give some feedback on those good old Daemons!
New-Release: Raging Heroes’ Brunhilde
This is a great looking upcoming release (shipping in late April) from the exceptional Raging Heroes line of miniatures and would make a great alternative Fantasy miniature!
Signals from the Frontline: Tau, Tyranid Rumors, Tournament Report, List Review, News
Signals from the Frontline: Tau, Tyranid Rumors, Tournament Report, List Review, News Press play to listen to the podcast!