Adam B. from the Dice Abide blog is here to share a different point of view on Escalation and the Revenant Titan in particular.
Author: Reecius
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Humor.
Show Notes 12-9-13 News LVO! Get yo tickets! Mega Mats: They’re Mega! Congratz to Mike and Doug who won the Twin Linked GT! Way to go guys, and props to OmegaPrime for running a great event! Shout out to Mierce Miniatures, who produce some of the cool miniatures I have ever seen, the Banelord and…
‘Urban Combat’ Mega Mat Apocalypse!
Check out this image Doug made of 5 ‘Urban Combat’ Mega Mats together for an Apoc style game!
The Alpine Mega Mat is Here!
Feast your eyes upon this glorious mat!!
Warhammer 40K Escalation Video Bat Rep Stompa vs Baneblade
In this Warhammer 40K Escalation Video Bat Rep, Raw Dogger and Reecius try another game of Escalation this time with IG and a Baneblade and Orks with a Stompa! Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps and articles!
We’re Not Prepared to Repel Firepower of that Magnitude!
Reecius here to rap out about Escalation a bit in 40K.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Hilarity!
Show Notes Date News Thanks Doug and Todd for their hard work and talent in helping to bring the Mega Mat to us! Annnnnd, Alpine is READY! We were on the Independent Characters, Forge the Narrative, and 11th company, check them out! New 40K Strategy Game for PC and Mobile platforms planned. Big thanks…
Welcome to the new 6th Edition! Escalation Battle Report
In this test game, Jy2 busts out Be’Lakor and an FMC/Soulgrinder Daemon/CSM list against an insane Mash-up list Spam Adam pilots that consists of Eldar/Dark Eldar/Tau and a Revenant Titan! Under current 40K rules, all of this stuff is legal for “standard” games. Would you want to play games like this in a tournament or…
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep Dark Eldar vs Imperial Guard
Another challenger steps up to the plate! This time: Vince, winner of the Comikaze 2012 GT with his IG! Does his army have what it takes to finally take Frankie’s Deldar alliance down? Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps and articles!
4×4′ Mega Mats Unlocked!
Those 4×4′ mats have been unlocked and design work is under way! We’re running hot and well on our way to the $45K goal, too!