Hey everyone, Reecius here to review the Assassin Dataslate. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great reviews!
Author: Reecius
NOVA Open is done, and it was a lot of fun!
Hey everyone, Reecius here to relate my experience from the NOVA Open!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 8-30-14 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
NOVA Open: so far, so good! UPDATED…Again!
Day 1 Team0Comp is representing well so far at the NOVA open, Frankie, Geoff and Reece are all so far undefeated at 3-0 going into the second day of the open. Geoff had to slog through two Tau players and barely squeaked by with a win by first blood in his third game. Frankie drew…
On our way to NOVA!
See everyone there! We’ll be out of the office until Tuesday, but will update the blog from NOVA. If you see us there, come say hi! Frankie’s bringing his Dark Eldar, Geoff’s bringing his Nids and I’m bringing my Astra Militarum with Adamantine Lance formation. Should be good fun.
Grey Knights: Is it all bad?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about Grey Knights and trying to see the silver lining. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and Generla Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 8-26-14 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #250 Astra Militarum vs Chaos
ArbitorIan all the way from England busts out his gorgeous Chaos army featuring a Helfist Murder Pack vs. Reeciu’s Ogrynstar Astra Militarum with Dark Angels allies in this 1850pt video bat rep! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Dropzone Commander Battle Report #10 – Secure the Flanks – 1500 PHR vs UCM
A battle report trying out some new army lists and one of the new tournament missions from the recent tournament pack. We thought this was a really good, fun mission!
Darklink’s Grey Knights Codex Review
Darklink brings us a Grey Knights Review: GKs have been my main, and just shy of exclusive, army for many moons, so I’ll go over everything in it. I’m not exactly pleased, but at least I know how Tyranid players feel. If GW wanted to teach me a lesson in empathy…