Hey everyone, Reecius here again with another Space Wolves Codex review! In part 1 we covered their Special Rules, this time we’ll be looking at the Relics of the Fang. Be sure to check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews.
Author: Reecius
New Kill Teams and Killzone!
Check out these new Kill Team products available from Frontline Gaming at a discount through our web-cart and as always, we offer FREE shipping for orders $99 and up within the continental USA!
Las Vegas Open 2019 40k Trophy
It is time for an upgrade to the LVO 40K trophy!
Signals from the Frontline #606: Space Wolves Chat & Community News
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
SoCal 40k League
Goooooooood morning gamers! My name is Keith and I am a co-league organizer for Warhammer 40k and Kill Team at At Ease Games in sunny San Diego, CA!
New FLG Mat: Snow Base
We’ve got another new FLG Mat for you! This time: Snow Base.
ITC Gothic Ruins Terrain: A New Paint Scheme
Check out this alternate paint scheme on the Gothic Ruins ITC Terrain!
Arabviking Goes to the ETC!
ArabViking recently attended the European Team Championship (ETC) for the first time as a member of Team Norway and wishes to share his own experiences and thoughts about the event as a player in this light-hearted article.
Khorne Army Goes 4-1 at the Hammer of Wrath GT!
Hey everyone, Reecius here with a battle report from the recent Hammer of Wrath GT held this passed weekend.
Pre-order the Space Wolf Codex and Tooth and Claw!
Awooooo! The new Space Wolves are here! Grab yours today from Frontline Gaming at a sweet discount with FREE shipping for orders $99 and up within the continental USA!