These Imperial Knights were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Author: Reecius
Completed Commission: Flesh Tearers Space Marines
These Flesh Tearers Space Marines make a great plug-in detachment for your Imperial army!
Age of Sigmar Learning League: Warboss Scott’s Warband: Da Bad Moon Bear’az
Warboss Scott bring us a fun update on his Destruction force featuring Moon Clan Grots!
Completed Commission: Exorcist Space Marines Army
This beautiful Exorcist Space Marines painting commission was completed by the FLG paint studio!
Signals from the Frontline #611: Orktober is Here!
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
Completed Commission: Carcharadons Space Marines Army
This Carcharodon Space Marines painting commission came out really nicely!
Completed Commission: Tournament Standard Inceptors
These Tournament Standard Primaris Space Marine Inceptors are ready for the tabletop at a very affordable price point!
Event Spotlight: The Iron Halo
The Iron Halo is a Warhammer 40K ITC Major Tournament in Bartlesville, OK October 6th and 7th at On the Rock Ministries.
Completed Commission: Imperial Knight Castellan
This fantastic Imperial Knight Castellan commission was painted by the FLG Paint Studio in House Raven colors!
Revving up for Orktober
Oh my goodness, the latest Ork hype video had me in tears! lol