These Genestealers were painted to a Tabletop Plus standard by the FLG Paint Studio.
Author: Reecius
Signals From the Frontline #615: Blackstone Fortress on the Way and Community News!
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
Completed Commission: Rubric Marines
You’ve got to check out these gorgeous alternate color scheme Thousand Sons Rubric Marines!
Brandon Grant’s Astra Militarum Infantry Tactics
Multiple Major winner and top ITC performer Brandon Grant brings us his take on making the most of Astra Militarum infantry! Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles.
Completed Commission: Tabletop Standard Tyranids
These Tyranids are painted to a Tabletop Standard which is our mid-ranged paint level and is also quite affordable!
Completed Commission: Logan Grimnar
This absolutely stunning Logan Grimnar was painted by the FLG Paint studio!
Blackstone Fortress: Unboxed!
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress is only a week away from pre-order, offering you the chance to explore the darkest corners of the 41st Millennium as you’ve never seen them before. This week, we’ll be previewing the set in detail, starting today with an in-depth look at just what you’ll find in the box.
Terrain Tutorial: Quick and Easy ITC Orc Terrain
Hey everyone, Reecius here with a hobby blog for you on how to get some Orc ITC Terrain made quick and painlessly!
rvd1ofakind’s Daemon Troops Review
The highly opinionated rvd1ofakind is throwing his hat in the ring with a Daemons Troops review.
The Blood and Glory Studio Preview Roundup Extravaganza
What an incredible year it’s been. An infestation of Nurgle Daemons, New Imperial Knights, Rogue Traders returning to the 41st millennium, a New Edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – and we’re not even done yet!