The Bad Moon is rising, and Destruction is coming to the Mortal Realms. With a brand-new battletome and a horde of models on the way, we’re previewing the Gloomspite Gitz in detail throughout this week – starting with a quick overview of just how they work and their main allegiance ability…
Author: Reecius
Completed Commission: Roboute Guilliman
This Roboute Guilliman was painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Dropzone Commander Battle Report #34 Michigan GT Rosters 1500 PHR vs. Shaltari
Cameron is back with another DzC Bat Rep featuring PHR vs. Shaltari.
New Years Hobby Resolutions
Hey everyone, Reecius here to have a fun conversation on our new years hobby goals!
Completed Commission: Imperial Knight Castellan
This lovely Imperial Knight Castellan was painted to a Tabletop Plus standard.
Happy New Year!
We hope 2018 was a wonderful year for you and that 2019 will be even better!
Completed Commission: Blightlord Terminators
These Blightlord Terminators were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Next Week’s Pre-orders and more: Gloomspite Gitz!
GW is showing off the new models for the upcoming Age of Sigmar faction, the Gloomspite Gitz and they look great!
Completed Commission: Skitarii Peltasts
These Adeptus Mechanicus Peltasts, a Forgeworld upgrade kit for the Skitarii Vanguard have a great, dark color scheme with a contrasting bronze to make them pop.
rvd1ofakind’s Chaos Daemons Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support Units Review
rvd1ofakind is back with a review of the Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support choices from the Daemons Codex. As always, check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews and articles!