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Author: Reecius
Adeptus Custodes Forgeworld Beta Rules Changes
Hey everyone. Tristian here with a little blurb about the recent updates to the Adeptus Custodes Beta rules that were recently released over the weekend.
40K Stats Centre: Capital City Clash, Nova Bracket Predictions and Actual Stats!
Holy heck we’re on time this week folks! Quick take a screen cap! In this episode we cover the Capital City Clash in West Columbia, do a hot and heavy NOVA Invitational Bracket prediction and let the Falcon loose on a chicken coop’s worth of stats!
Space Marines FAQ – Now Live
The Codex Astartes is the pinnacle of the tactician’s art – a work of inviolable genius written by a demigod and changed only once in its existence, upon the founding of the Primaris Space Marines.
Age of Sigmar: Warcry- Iron Golems vs. Splintered Fangs
Hey everyone, we’ve got a fun Warcry Video Bat Rep for you from a new content contributor: Dice Chatter!
Breaking News: Sisters, Psykers and Skeletons
The time has come for all the news and jaw-dropping reveals from the NOVA Open Warhammer Preview. Seriously – if you’re interested in ANY of this…
Slaughterfest GT Report Game 5
Hey everyone, Reecius here with my game 5 report from the Slaughterfest GT.
Nerdery: Joker Trailer
This movie is looking fantastic. I am excited to see it. It’s like a blend of the classic Joker from the comics and Taxi Driver or Falling Down.
Completed Commission: Nagash
This very awesome, custom Nagash was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Completed Commission: Canis Rex
This Imperial Knight Canis Rex model was recently painted by the FLG Paint Studio!