Yeah, you read that right. Games Workshop and Marvel are collaborating to create Warhammer comics! Even better, the first comics are due to land in autumn 2020. Yeah, we know – it’s super rad.
Author: Reecius
Wield the Living Sword
You’ve read the opening three passages of the Psychic Awakening prophecy from Phoenix Rising, and even had a cheeky glimpse of the upcoming art, but we’ve got one last treat for you. Today, we’ll be giving you the final part of the prophecy, and showing off the mystery model you saw in that artwork. So, without further ado…
This Week’s GW Pre-order: Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans
This week’s GW pre-order is up and we’ve got not one but TWO new AoS Battletomes: Cities of Sigmar, Orruk Warclans and some new Start Collecting sets! Click here to see all of the new goodies at our discounted prices with FREE shipping options.
For the Greater Good! NOVA Open 40k GT Final Breakdown
Greetings Frontline Gaming Community, my name is Richard Siegler (T’au Empire) and today I am going to discuss my match against Nick Rose (Genestealer Cult) in the final of the NOVA Open GT. I am going to focus especially on my thought process before and during the match and explain why I made the decisions…
Warhammer 40,000 September Update
October is almost here, but we have one last important task to perform in this waning month before we allow it to rest up for another year. That’s right – it’s time for the Warhammer 40,000 September Rules Update!
Signals from the Frontline #655: LGT Recap and Space Marines Gone Wild!
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
Announcing the Northwest GT
It‘s going to happen this autumn…
Faction Focus: Orruk Warclans
Waaagh! The Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz – they’re like extra crunchy peanut butter and magically infused jelly; a wonderful combination that’s now deliciously sandwiched together in Battletome: Orruk Warclans! Today, we’re looking into just what this mighty tome of Destruction means for you…
Faction Focus: Cities of Sigmar
It’s almost here! Very soon, the armies of the Cities of Sigmar will march forth, forging your much-loved collections of aelves, humans and duardin into a single, deadly force and making for what could well be Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s most diverse battletome ever. In today’s MASSIVE battletome preview, we’re looking at just how it all works, what…
Phoenix (Lord) Rising…
As the Psychic Awakening approaches, we’re ramping up the excitement with another part of the Phoenix Rising prophecy and A NEW, PLASTIC PHOENIX LORD! No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you – read on and you’ll find out which Character we’re talking about…