Just wanted to point out that on Rankingshq.com the COC is actually weighted lower than GTs due to their limits on number of rounds. For example, coming in 3rd place at a 90 person COC nets you 58 points on rankingshq while coming in 3rd place at a 20 person 5 round tournament nets you 72 points.
Very good chat about horde orks. The “sons of shatner” won adepticon team tourney a few years back with horde orks.
Yeah they did, they kicked some ass with them. Alan B. won Wargamescon with them, and the ETC singles.
Well, the “sons” were a part of my regular gaming group for about two years. learned a lot lets say!
Always good when you can take a lesson away from it!
Just wanted to point out that on Rankingshq.com the COC is actually weighted lower than GTs due to their limits on number of rounds. For example, coming in 3rd place at a 90 person COC nets you 58 points on rankingshq while coming in 3rd place at a 20 person 5 round tournament nets you 72 points.
Very good point, and I was in no way trying to put the CoC down, I was just using it as an example of how RankingsHQ results are a bit skewed.