Title: Imperial Vox Caster RTT
Location: At Ease Games, San Diego, CA
Description: So, our tournament will be on November 17th, at At Ease Games in Poway, CA. There will be a $20 entry fee. There are at least 24 slots with a possibility of a few more if we get a decent preregistration going. There is a $500 Cash prize for best overall. We will be playing 3 rounds. There will also be prizes for best general, Best Painted, undefeated for the day (there could be 3 of these), as well as a raffle for the KR stuff. Possible prizes to be added depending on other prize support.
To reserve a spot, you can email At Ease Games (ateasegames@att.net) or call them: 858-679-3273
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2012-11-17