Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today PeteyPab and The Ego Queen go over the Chaos Index (basically just the Daemons) and Pablo goes over his Hammer of Wrath Tournament list!

Show Notes:
- Click here for a link to the NOVA Invitational Bracket and to submit your own predictions!
- Click here for my Hammer of Wrath List
- If you like the Ego Queen and want to see more of her work click here!
- Click here if you want to see some of the facebook livestreams of the Hammer of Wrath!
- Chapter Tactics is back! With Weekly episodes and a lot of tactical insight, this is your place for all things 40k in 8th edition.
- Check out the last episode of Chapter Tactics here. Or, click here for a link to a full archive of all of my episodes.
- Want more tactical information about the new edition? Check out our 8th Edition article archive to help get a leg up on the competition!

Need help with a list idea? Got a rules question? Want to talk tactics? Then email me at…
Please do not send an army list in a format such as Army Builder, send them in an easy to read, typed format. Thanks!
NOva brakcets bring you to the ETC pairings. Doh!
Fixed! Thanks man.
HoW list is BAO. DOH!
Kairos is 15 less points than Magnus.
Let that sink in.
Also, Blue Scribes are a very funny counter to Brimstones, because once you steal their smite they literally do nothing.
Also, Tzeentch PLAYERS are in a really rough spot. I say this with Bias and acknowledge that.
None of us asked for Brimstones, etc, yet simply because they exist it’s caused a huge uproar and demand for an overhaul, etc.
I like the rest of Tzeentch, I just hate that my whole army is defined by a unit less than a year old.
To clarify, clearly the army is good. It works. I mean that the perception of horrors and horrors alone means that if the beast GW created is over corrected too hard even further, then we basically end up unable to run our only troop option because it’s turned into shit.
Idk. Horrors need to be fixed. I haven’t seen a fix that doesn’t make me cringe, though.
End rant.
Yeah Fatey needs a points reduction. Also Magnus is probably too cheap.
Brims aren’t there for their offense any more. They’re cheap CP and ridiculously tough to kill for the points
I think Magnus is about right. He can still die in 1 turn easily
Well their smite is terrible now so it’s not much of a loss. And if you’ve got blue scribes close enough to them to steal it he’s probably dead anyways.
Brims are much, much better in the codex now. Great durable, cheap bodies still but their have almost 0 offense. 1/3 of the time (not counting deny) they can cause 1 wound to the closest unit. Point-for-point that is terrible damage output.
Can anyone PLEASE answer this complex charge question that occurs to us way too often
Which is the correct thing: Purple, Red or Green in either of the options:
A) Green is infantry
B) Green is infantry with FLY
I don’t think Purple is the correct option because of the FAQ:
Q: What happens when an Infantry model cannot completely end its move on a floor of ruins when attempting to scale the walls?
A: If an Infantry model is unable to complete a move to a stable position, use the Wobbly Model Syndrome guidelines in the core rules to identify with your opponent where your model’s actual location is.
So you can place them like this
Here’s one with more options
Basically you fit only at the end of it since other parts are covered by walls with windows
Tbh, at this point I see one of the best and mkst fun daemons list as
Malefulic lords
Durable/cheap troops
Maybe Magnus because of how good he is 3+ invul re-roll 1s, 38inch move k thx
A ton of points in reserve
This way the opponent can’t shoot down your big dudes turn one and two, and it takes actual skill to plan out what to summon where and counting points. And if you get charged turn one because you’re facing one of those armies, you can summon the best dudes to deal with them. I like it
Oh and Changeling. Derp derp
Why does the warpsmith cost the same as a techmarine BUT comes with a free anti-vehicle smite power?
Please stop saying and ..ah.. so much. You will sound much more professional.
Ah, the art of Word Economy.
My college debate coach would be so dissapointed in me.
Thanks for keeping me on my toes.