Bane Lords and Warhammer Forge are releasing some fantastic new sculpts!
Bane Lords puts out some absolutely amazing stuff. For my money, equally on par with Forgeworld/Warhammer Forge. They also have a line of Hero models in their Banelegions line.
We carry both lines (Bane Lords and Bane Legions) and while they aren’t up on the web store yet, you can always email or call us and place an order for some of these beautiful model at a discount!
And here’s the naughty one, it features full frontal female nudity, so be wary if at work.

Warhammer Forge has a great new monster, the Preyton.
Foolhardy knights of Bretonnia sometimes mistake the savage and hateful Preyton for the noble Great Stags of their land, and will follow this twisted beast, possessed of a dark cunning, into the very deepest parts of the forest. Only there, where there is little chance of escape, will it finally reveal its deadly form, its savage fangs, leonine paws and monstrous wings, and attack the unsuspecting warrior.
While their appearance is truly vile, it is the legendary malice of the Preyton that makes them particularly dangerous. Corpses mauled beyond recognition and tracts of forest befouled and trampled betray their presence, the savage creature often discarding the torn ruin of their victims to rot, killing out of pure hatred rather than hunger. Little is known of their origins, but dark legend has it that in ages past they were Great Stags who were enslaved and corrupted before sacrifice-strewn herdstones. Now, bereft of their nobility, the Preytons know only an all-encompassing hatred for that which they have lost.
The Preyton is a finely detailed multi-part resin kit designed by Steve Whitehead. Rules to field this savage creature in your games of Warhammer can be found in Monstrous Arcanum, and the kit is available to pre-order now for despatch from Friday 29th June.

Jeebus. You’d have to weight the base to keep those ridiculous tits from tipping her over. >_<
Hahah, right? How does she fight blindfolded with boobs all over the place? Perhaps her enemies are too busy starring to fight back?
And she has a Brazilian, too, as if that were necessary! haha
What would your range of motion for sword fighting be with knockers like those? Shoot, I bet swinging would hurt. 😛
I bet ANY sudden movement would hurt. Haha, I wonder who came up with this concept? It is so totally unrealistic in every way!
Playing a little bit too much DoA Extreme, methinks. ^_^
NSFW, That means click it at your work station, right nao!
It usually does yes, but our bases are covered!