Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game.
Hello everyone! This is the inaugural first episode of Frontline Gaming’s new 40k podcast. In this episode the world’s greatest 40k player and I delve through one of the most common strategies in the game right now, Alpha Strikes.
Show Notes:
List Lab: War Convocation
Battle Congregation
Tech Priest Dominus
Kataphron Breachers
Kataphron Destroyers
Kataphron Destroyers
Kastelan Robot Maniple 3x Robots, 2x w/Power fist, 1 w/TL phospor blaster
Skitarii Maniple
Vanguard, 2x Plasma Caliver
Sicarian Infiltrators, +5 Infiltrators
Onager Dunecrawler
Promethium Relay Pipes
List Lab Rating: 3.5
- Lethality: 5
- Mobility: 3
- Scorability: 2
- Board Presence: 4
Verdict: “That feeling you get when you realize you are 7 inches away from winning the game…”
Do you think your list could hold up to the List Lab? Email it to…
Thanks for the podcast, enjoyed it.
Good podcast man!
Impressed pablo
Great cast! Can’t wait for the next one!
Do you have the link to steve sisks battle company that you mentioned?
Nevermind its mixed with the ravenguard lists, got it!
Hey Pablo, I liked the podcast! Nice to see my iTunes subscription to the Signals from the Frontline channel blessing me with a variety of shows now! I will say, the stuff you addressed in the podcast is very interesting and I’ll be tuning in again next time! Keep up the good work, and I’m excited to see your podcast grow!
Great podcast
I like the different format
what frequency are you planning on doing these?
And yes the deathstrike missile is 10″ S10 AP1 ignores cover barrage
Single use and can’t fire first turn or any turn the vehicle has moved
Also cannot suffer a weapon destroyed result
Hey Pablo, I enjoyed listening to the new podcast. I can’t wait to see more of it!