The Lion’s Blade Task Force, a Dark Angels Detachment from the Grotmas Calendar, embodies the synergy of Ravenwing speed and Deathwing resilience, forming a devastating force tailored for hunting the Fallen. Here’s a breakdown:
The Lion’s Blade Task Force: Core Features
Detachment Rule: In the Lion’s Claws
- Ravenwing Tactics: When an enemy unit falls back from a Ravenwing unit, it must take a Desperate Escape Test. This adds significant risk to disengaging, trapping opponents under fire.
Deathwing Synergy
- Deathwing units gain +2 to Charge rolls when targeting enemies engaged with Ravenwing units, ensuring a swift and decisive follow-up assault.
Key Enhancements and Stratagems
- Fulgus Magna Teleport Homer: A Deathwing character can reposition themselves and their unit into Strategic Reserves, allowing for flexible redeployment and surprise strikes. Perfect for keeping Terminators where they’re most effective.
- Knights of Iron: Ravenwing units can move through terrain features, ignoring obstacles that would normally provide protection to their targets. This makes them even more effective in exploiting battlefield mobility.
Tactical Overview
- Ravenwing units use speed and precision to destabilize enemy lines, planting teleport homers and locking units in engagement for the Deathwing to capitalize on.
- Deathwing Terminators teleport into combat with enhanced charges and brutal efficiency, leveraging their resilience and power to crush resistance.
This Detachment encapsulates the lore-driven cooperation between the two iconic wings of the Dark Angels, combining their distinct styles for unmatched tactical dominance. Whether it’s encircling foes or launching surgical strikes, the Lion’s Blade Task Force offers a dynamic and rewarding playstyle for fans of the First Legion!
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