Hi All,
As part of my local store’s ongoing narrative campaign I like to post the custom apocalypse missions i write. Today’s installment is below…and it’s a doozy!
The forces of Taldage have completed their initial assaults on the planet Ihrani and are quickly consolidating their gains. However, this advance was not as decisive as Taldage had hoped. While he has succeeded in capturing the capital city the remaining forces have retreated to their fortresses and have avoided a decisive battle. Ihrani’s floating islands have also proven to be difficult to capture. Any advance must come into the teeth of established defenses, provoking unsustainable losses. To make matters worse, Taldage has seen his support drop among his allies who are wary of empowering another tyrant. Taldage needs allies, and he may have found an angle.
While ransacking the main library in the capital city Taldage has discovered the legend of the Chalice. Said to be an ancient artifact of the Gods the Chalice is both feared and esteemed. It is said to be cursed with misfortune, but also that any true ruler will have the strength to overcome this misfortune while bearing the chalice. Although thought lost to history, Taldage believes he has found the location of its resting place on the planet Sithea.
After weeks of careful digging, Taldage’s forces have found the resting place of the chalice but have been ambushed by his enemies. The dig site has devolved into a point-blank brawl while bo groups seek to obtain the delicate artifact.
One of the controversial things I did for this mission was steal a deployment from an Age of Sigmar mission and added a twist. After each side bids for first turn (before deployment) it proceeds as follows:
- Team a picks a side and has 5 minutes to deploy as many of their units as they wish on their side. They may deploy in either of the blue areas that touch.
- Team B then does the same on the opposite boards.
- Team A then has 5 minutes to deploy their units on the board that Team B just deployed on. These units MAY be deployed ANYWHERE including within 1″ of enemy units, starting the game in combat.
- Team B will do the same on Team A’s home board.
- The teams will continue alternating until they are both deployed or Team B finishes deployment.
Mission Special Rules:
The Chalice: At the center of the green board is the chalice. A moveable objective that may be picked up by any unit with a leader. The objective may not be moved more than 6” a turn and is dropped if the controlling unit enters a transport.
The unit controlling it automatically passes battle shock tests. When fighting in the combat phase the unit is also -1 to be hit.
Additionally, each time the unit is targeted by a shooting attack with a strength of 8 or higher, or by a weapon that uses the “Blast” rule. Roll a die, on a roll of a “1” the chalice has been broken and the DM will inform the players of what happens next. Author’s note: The consequences are up to the DM here. IN our own it would be cataclysmic with the unit holding the chalice being wiped out and changing the scoring to be an escape mission as the unleashed storm. The player who broke it would also have been penalized in their next apoc game due to it being a big part of the lore, your own mileage may vary.
Reserves: Starting on the second turn reserves may be deployed on a team’s home board so long as they are outside of the engagement range of any enemy units. No reserves may be deployed on the Green Board for any reason. Alternatively, they may arrive on the other team’s board following the normal deepstriking/strategic reserve rules.
Tunnel: Unless firing through the green board, units may not draw line of sight between sections of the board that touch
Winning the Game:
The Chalice: The side with a unit holding the relic at the end of the game is the winner of the primary mission. Should no unit hold it, then whichever side has the most OC within 3” will receive 8 Narrative Points
Valuable Relics: Each side gains 2 Narrative Points for each objective in the green zone that they control by the end of the game.
Rivals: Each side gains 1 Narrative Point for each enemy warlord slain.
So let me know what you think! I will post a battle report next week covering how it all went down!
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