Hi all,
we are continuing our set of LVO interviews, but are switching gears here to focus on the LVO 40k Champs. Let’s welcome Adam Solis!
- How long have you been involved in running events? Both the LVO and others? Do you run any other competitive events currently?
I’ve been running events since the late 90’s, early 2000’s and helping with LVO since 2016 and I judge all the FLG events since 2021. I run 2 small GTs a year in Southern California, Battle for LA at the end of April, and Hammer O Wrath, usually sometime in August
- What are some changes from previous LVOS that you implemented this year? What improvements were you most proud of?
In previous a lot of changes or adjustments were behind the scenes. This year a big change is that for day 3 of the 40K Champs each round is a different deployment map. With only having to worry about a few tables to set up, it is easier to implement. The improvement I am most proud of is the use of the QR code to call a judge. It was first tested at SoCal Open 2023 and used at this past LVO. People seem to like it, and it has been in use at every event since. I don’t know of any other event that uses something like this, if they even need it, but I am proud with how it turned out.
- Is there anything in particular you are keeping an eye on or cracking down on that players should pay attention to?
Finishing on time. Although, on average, we are ready to pair the next round about 15 minutes after end of round, there are still players that cannot finish in a timely manner. For this LVO, and the other events going forward, if it is determined that the players are taking too long both players will be penalized and points deducted, at the discretion of the attending judge.
- Last year you mentioned the terrain as an area you hope to improve on in the future, were you able to make any progress ahead of this year?
This year, due to Champion’s Cup, we will have sets of the WTC terrain. I believe they will all be the medium build type. Add to this the new Matched Play terrain, District 13, and you have a little more variety in the tables you can play on. As to the ratio of those terrain pieces, that’s really a question for the terrain and tables guy, Mike Gandolfo.
- Any advice for aspiring TOs? Any particularly tricky rules areas or issues you forsee and are planning to address?
On an RTT level, listen to what your players are saying. Not every RTT must be a cutthroat competitive event. It can be more casual if that is what most of your players want. Be sure to talk and listen to your local scene. If you are running a GT or multiday large attendance event is happening, try not to panic, or give the impression that you are panicking. If you must step away to compose yourself, step away. Finally, if you need help reach out to your community. There a many wonderful people out there and they are more than willing to help.
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