Hi all! As we do every year, it’s time to talk to some of the amazing people who make the LVO Tick. Today we are chatting with Vern who is heading up the Legions Imperialis Event at the LVO!
1. Tell me a bit about you and the other organizers, what armies do you play? How long have you been playing and what are some past events you have organized?
Hi, I am Vern and helping with setting up this Event is Jed. Jed and I are both long time tabletop gamers playing 40k since late 2nd and early 3rd edition. We have jumped in on all of the GW games at one point or another and have vast collections for a few of the systems. I myself have a complete collection of the 40k armies at 200 or higher points and have collected all of the founding chapters in heroic scale except for Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion but I made my Imperialis army Alpha Legion. Jed has a huge Red Scorpions army as well as an Ultramarines army of Primaris Marines.
I have seven armies for Warhamer fantasy (now Old World) and have recently been working on expanding my AOS armies to have painted Spearheads for 6 factions. Prior to Forgeworld and black library writing the Horus Heresy stuff my Space Marines collection was all painted in pre heresy colors so when HH started to become popular it was natural to jump in.
Jed an I have run gaming events since about 1998 in some form or another and prior to 2012 we regularly ran the Las Vegas Gaming Club Iron Man RTT events consisting of 4 games in one day, with as many as 60 players attending.
2. As I recall this is the first Legions Imperialis Narrative event at the LVO. How are you planning to structure this event in a narrative way?
We actually had a Legions Imperialis event last year and were the first event anywhere as the system had just come out two months prior to the LVO. Prior to this we ran the Adeptus Titanicus events at LVO. Our desire has always just to have the opportunity to play so since no one else was running anything we jumped in.
We have been participating in Horus Heresy events especially the mega battle since the second year of HH events so we just wanted to keep with the narrative that was already going on by the HH organizers through the years.
We still run the event as balanced as we can but as the battles go on the results from each game will create some of the ongoing narrative for the next game and with us tied into the overall HH narrative it becomes a battle of which faction is doing well in what area of the planets.
3. What is the story you are having the players take part in for this event?
We are following the story of the overall Horus Heresy campaign that has been ongoing at LVO for a long time.
4. LI does have some campaign rules released in the later books are you planning to integrate these at all? Do you have any plans to encourage players to play in a thematic manner or compose casual lists?
For this year as the game and campaign rules are so new we wont be incorporating many of those elements in the event but as this year will shape next year we will definitely be looking to whatever is released for inspiration.
5. Why should players attend this event compared to the many other options at the LVO?
Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanics offer players a new way to play and use vast armies to tell the ongoing story of the Warhammer universe. The game systems offer new and exciting game systems that use alternating activations so there is never a time when either player just gets pummeled by a bad turn. (Dice are always fickle).
From the perspective of a collector I thing the new Epic Scale used for these games is perfect. It gives you amazing detail painting and modeling opportunities. If you are traveling and have limited space come play in our tiny marines games and save luggage space for event swag. Hope to see you there.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!